Thursday, June 3, 2010

I was totally inspired. . .

When I went to the workshop in March, and then again when I got together with some of my photography friends where, discussed direction in photography and shared some ideas about things we are learning. It never ceases to amaze me how amazing all the artisistic people are that share this photography community. Truly amazing people! I myself have a continued flow of ideas come out of me that I can not even possibly get done with out a babysitter, house keeper, and personal driver! Take this blog for instance. It is totally LAME and unsinpiring. . . . blah. And only because I am in the process of recreating another blog and website that will better display my vision. So it will be AWSOME soon! And I also apologize for the lack of posting. I will do better.

This weekend I am shooting a wedding in Tahoe on the beach and I also have about 5 sessions that still should be blogged!

And I still have NOT posted anything about the NICHOLE VAN WORKSHOP. . . .
so here they are right now.

Nichole was amazing, she was nice friendly and totally real. Every detail of the workshop was planned out from the AMAZING FOOD to the tiny button flowers and magnets she made for the workshop book & name tags!!! {details make me happy!!!}

I also met an amazing group of women.

The day Nichole taught us lighting techniques, we shot with some beautiful models who were troopers!!! we shot till dark and I got so many amazing images.

here are just a few.

This was shot with two alien bees of camera lighting triggered by a pocket wizard attached to my camera. So amazing to get that sunburst and exposure perfect for the back ground and have my subject perfectly lighted. This shot is almost SOOC!!! just a little color boost.

natural light


natural light
natural light

alien bees
natural light

this one is with someone holding my external flash off to the side with a remote trigger attached to my camera and to my flash.
(can you believe she can jump like HEELS??!!!

I was so excited about the things I learned and get to implement into my photography. I have even seen a big change in my sessions since I have been home.

Thanks for looking, have a wonderful weekend! ~ K

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